Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

ZMC - Solid food eater

Zachary has started on solid foods - a hilarious term for runny fruits and veggies that are almost liquid.

He got his first bite of food on Oct. 17th. We had been letting him 'lick' fruits and veggies for the past several months, and he had been getting increasingly interested in our food. We had planned on waiting until we got to Germany to start him on solid foods, but he let us know he was READY. His first try was a bit of a disaster - not because he didn't like it, but because he knocked over the bowl with the rice cereal in it. He took to his first food - rice cereal - like a champ! By the end of the week he was not only opening his mouth eagerly for more food (like a little bird), but he also started throwing temper tantrums when he finished all the food. The big picture is my favorite - it was the first meal he had. One is of him throwing a tantrum, another is of him and how messy he gets, and one is of him eagerly wanting more, complete with impatient sounds.

Editor's note: By December 3rd, he has now tried carrots, peas, squash, sweet potatoes, eggplant, zucchini, apples, pears, bananas, and peaches. The only thing he HATES are peas - gagging and everything. He is not a huge fan of zucchini and eggplant, but he will eat it. So far he LOVES all fruit, likes all 'yellow' veggies, and tolerates most 'green' veggies, except for peas. It is quite fun to introduce a new food and watch him have a confused look on his face, while he decides if he likes it or not. We are now making most of his food at home and freezing it in ice cube trays.


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