Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Dexter - still a kitten

Two of my favorite things about kittens: 1. When they run at you sideways and sort of hop at you (because they are being fierce) and 2. when they get done cleaning themselves, and a little bit of tongue is sticking out and they don't realize it (most older cats stop doing that - more tongue control I guess). Well, Dexter does the first quite a bit still. The second is harder to catch now that he's almost a year old (in September). However, the other night, not only did he accidentally leave his tongue sticking out a bit, he even fell asleep that way, as the picture shows. I just love seeing that, and it doesn't happen that often!

The other picture is just proof of where that one missing sock goes each day. Dexter hates socks, and gets double fun out of attacking Zach's socks! At least that isn't Zachary agression - he's an equal opportunity sock hater - dress socks, sport socks, mine, Art's he doesn't care!


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