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Friday, August 04, 2006

S.S.C. - Future w. UPS

Well, I talked to Mario (my boss) this afternoon about my future at UPS. I have officially told him that I will not be coming back to the West District to work, since I'd only have about 4-6 weeks before we left ABQ. I told him that I don't want to completely sever ties w/ UPS yet, in case I want to (doubful), or need to (could be w/ Art's low salary) work while we're in Dusseldorf. SO, Mario is looking into what the possibilities are for an extended leave of absence as well as what the procedures are for transfering overseas. My FMLA leave is up on 8/24, so something will have to be decided by then. We will need to go on Art's insurance starting 8/25, because staying on mine through Cobra is very expensive ($1200/m -medical only). I will talk with Mario again in the coming weeks to see what my options are for not completely severing ties w/ UPS just yet. He did say that it is a little easier to get back on with UPS once you've left than it once was. It used to be near-impossible to come back once you left, and it apparently is no longer. So, we'll see. It could be I will never work for UPS again, or it could be that I will once I'm back in the States, after Germany, or maybe we will need for me to work there while we are in Germany. My preference at the moment is to not work outside the home at all - to have my job be taking care of Zachary and our family. But we shall see. It will also depend some on our life over there. I expect I will be changing from an "Industrial Engineer" to a "Domestic Engineer". :)


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