Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Z.M.C. - Dexter - S.S.C: Disgusting moment

This story is not to be read by those that are 1) easily grossed out, or 2) not amused by potty humor.

So I was in the kitchen, holding Zachary. All of a sudden I hear one of his 'explosive' poops, and feel something hit my leg. I look down, and there is poop splattered all over the kitchen floor and some on my leg. So here I am trying to keep Dexter from licking the poop off the floor, clean up the floor, and clean myself all while holding Zach. I can't put him down anywhere, b/c he has poop all over the place (or so I believe). I get the pooped wiped off the floor and head upstairs to change Zach and assess the damage. Turns out there is almost no poop in his diaper (he was wearing a cloth one at the time). He apparently shot it all out the side, bypassing his diaper completely. Then Dexter comes upstairs and plops down on the floor, and I notice that he's vigorously cleaning himself. Looking closer, it's because he has poop splattered on his back and tail. So I have to put Zachary down on his blanket on the floor, catch Dexter (he's onto me at this point - knows I'm going to trap him), and wash his back.

That is insight into my NEW multi-tasking life. No longer multi-tasking w/ million dollar projects w/ UPS - now it's a kid, a cat, and poop. :) Ahh, the life of a DE (domestic engineer). :)

This picture is of Dexter, exhausted from playing, on my bed - back in May.


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