Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

8.12 Dexter & Zach: Stroller buddies

Since before Zachary was born, Dexter has loved being pushed in Zach's stroller. Art and I had been talking for awhile about trying to take them both out in the stroller at the same time - Zach in his carrier and Dexter in the storage compartment - but we had never gotten around to it. Finally on Saturday (8.12), after I got back from my 40 minute walk w/ Zach, I decided to put Dexter in the stroller and just see how it went. Art was at work, so I decided to just walk around the apartment complex - thinking I could scoop Dexter up pretty quickly if he bolted, since I didn't put his harness & leash on. Well, Dexter seemed to love it. He just rode around underneath, staring at everything, and poking his head out occaisionally. We did that for about 30 minutes. I only got nervous about him jumping out one time: a lady with her small dog came walking by - a dog Dexter doesn't like, and likes to run at him (though never gets too close; he'll slow down before he gets near the dog). I had to take a quick turn down an alley to avoid anything. I don't know if Dexter would have gotten out, but he was hanging out of the stroller, like in picture 1. The rest of the time, he was more like picture 2.


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