Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Sunday, August 06, 2006

Dexter & Z.M.C. - getting along better

Dexter is getting more tolerant of Zachary, and more used to his crying. We are very happy about this, b/c Dexter has seemed pretty upset for awhile. He's finally coming back to 'old Dexter' where he cuddles with us some during the day, and likes to be petted. He's willing to be closer to Zachary now. In fact, the other night, when I was trying to get Zachary to go to sleep (around 3am), and he just wouldn't, I started to get pretty frustrated. I was sitting in the rocking chair w/ Z. laying on my lap w/ his head on my knees. Dexter must have thought I was pretty upset, b/c he jumped up in the chair, avoided jumping on Zach, and planted himself on my chest, with his head under my chin, purring up a storm. I loved it - and it had the added bonus of making it easier to deal with Mr-not-sleepy !

This picture is of both Dexter and Zach waking up from a nap. I tried to get them both while they were still sleeping - fairly close together I might add - but by the time I got the camera, they both were awake.


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