Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Thursday, August 03, 2006

Z.M.C - "2 Month" Dr. Appt 8.2

Zachary had his '2 month old' appointment today. New weight: 11 lbs 8 oz; length: 23.5 inches (This is up from 22 inches at his 1 month). This is interesting (at least to me). His weight is in the 50th percentile (for kids his age), so he's perfectly average. His height however is the 75th percentile, and his head size is a small 25th percentile.
This appoinment required shots. :( He got 3 shots today. He was very screamy, and it broke my heart when he started 'clawing' at his face while she was putting on the bandaids. But it was very cute when Art took him to hold him, he had mostly stopped crying (after I held him for about 15 seconds), but was doing a very pitiful 'fake cry' whine. That was amusing - like he did not want to stop being upset. 5 minutes later, he was alseep on Art's chest. His appointment was good, everything looks healthy and normal. He was a very happy baby - smiling at the doctor. He'll have a 'weight check' appointment in a month, and the nurse will add it to his growth chart (with all the percentages). Then we have his next Dr.'s appt in 2 months - for his 4 month check-up and more shots.

He had 2 growth spurt days this week (Mon & Wed) - where he ate non-stop (every 2 hrs), and would not nap more than 30 minutes. However he rewarded us for his trouble last night by sleeping from 9:30pm to 5:30am, then again, after eating, until 7:15am.

The picture was taken on 7-25.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a good sleeper!

5:27 PM  

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