Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, August 19, 2006

8.19 - ZMC's week of firsts

This week has been jam-packed with "firsts" for Zachary. On Wednesday, at playgroup, he rolled over from his belly to his back. I thought it was an accident, however on Friday, he rolled over 6 times on purpose. Zach's Nana was thrilled to witness it. Unfortunately, at this publication, his Dad has not seen him roll over yet. We'll keep trying though.

Thursday was also a 'semi-first'. Last Saturday, on 8/12, he did what we 'thought' was his first laugh on purpose (he does in his sleep sometimes). But it was difficult to get him to repeat it later on. Then on Thursday 8/17, he did his pseudo-laugh (it sounds like a cough, but he's smiling) again several times - though only if I "chew" on his belly. So I'm counting it as his first laughter.

Friday we also took Zachary outside for him to lie on a blanket naked. He seems to love being naked on his changing pad, so we thought he'd love the opportuntiy to wiggle around naked outside. We put him on his belly for some pictures, but they looked a little skeletal, so attached is the picture from him on his back (tastefully cropped for his privacy). As you can see, he's not thrilled with being naked outside. He got a little fussy until we put his clothes back on, and then he was fine with being outside, but he still wasn't full of smiles.


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