Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Dexter the Destroyer 7.30

As many of you know, Dexter is a 'handfull' to say the least. He destroys most things. All of his toys have been ripped to shreds, and now he's trying to take his angst out on Zach's stuff. Some of his favorite non-cat-toy items to play with (belonging to anyone) are flesh (hands and feet), socks (he seems to hate socks, and will pull them out of my drawer to have a go a one), crinkly stuff (like paper), and foam. Art once had a foam clown nose, and Dexter destroyed it completely over the course of a few days. So Zach has a foam bathtub insert that I've been trying to keep out of Dexter's reach. I had put it in a storage box to keep it safe, and the picture shows that 'safe' is a relative term. This is what we found when we came home from church. I like how Dex is sitting in the middle of his destruction as though he's proud of it. Sheesh.


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