Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, July 12, 2013

Summer staples: ice cream and riding bikes

July 12, 2013

Today we spent most of the morning at home, and had lunch at home.  Before nap time, Wyatt got into the face painting crayons, and asked me to make him into a tiger.  It was fun to draw whiskers, a nose, and claws on him.  I let him keep it on during rest time (yes, I do make ZW lie down for an hour every day, even though they do not fall asleep.  They get toys and books in their bed, but they must be quiet), and much of it stayed on.

I decided that instead of having our usual snack at 4pm, we would head over to the Carvel store and have our snack there!  

Here you can still see the remnants of Wyatt's tiger whiskers.  Yannick said he would rather have fruit gummies instead of ice cream, so I brought gummies for him, thinking he might change his mind.  He tried a bite of both Zachary's and Wyatt's ice cream, and loved Zachary's.  But he was good and only asked for 2 or 3 bites. 

Here is a little story we are not so proud of. So Zachary had finished over half of his ice cream, then accidentally dropped the bowl on the floor, ice cream down.  Naturally he was very upset and wanted me to buy him another one.  I finally agreed that I would buy another one, but he would have to share it with Yannick, who now wished he had the blue sherbet instead of his gummies (but was still having a great attitude about it - shockingly).  Zachary, thought about this, and said no.  He would rather not have any than have to share.  Even though sharing would mean he would get more than he would have if he had not dropped his.  Nope.  Sharing is that awful.  So I did not buy another ice cream, but I was pretty sad at that attitude.

Now that they were so full of sugary goodness, I decided we'd better head to the park to burn off some energy.  Their current favorite thing is to ride bikes at the park, so that's what they did.

My parade of boys

All waiting safely on the "yellow" for it to be safe to cross.  You can see our open garage in the topmost part of the picture.  Headed home for dinner!

Art should be home soon.  TGIF!!


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