Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, July 06, 2013

Chattanooga Trip Day 2

Kids were up at their usual early time.  Yannick kept playing with his cars on my face until I would finally get up.  Where are those parents of mine that usually take care of the hooligans while I sleep in??

We had a nice lazy morning, and had cereal for breakfast.
Here is Yannick all ready to go, and wondering where everyone else is.

After a yummy breakfast Creed, Z and W finished watching Star Wars: A New Hope and waited around for Poppi and Mimi to arrive. I was in a state of major indecision about what to do - take the kids with the 5 adults on a major outing - like Ruby Falls, which Faye is eager to do with them one day, or a minor outing- like bowling, or nothing. With timing, money, and terrible weather, I finally decided to just stay at Staci and Creed's for lunch, ordering take out pizza (picked up In the pouring rain). This turned out to be a fantastic idea. Mimi and Zach and Staci played a lard game. Wyatt and Yannick played together and Dad and Creed got to check out some of Creed's guitar equipment. I was a lovely relaxed afternoon. We had yummy pizza for lunch, and then all played a bit more before rounding the kids up around 1:30 to head back to Leisure Dr with Poppi and Mimi...and no mommy!!!  That is right - I successfully conned the parents into taking the kids back with them in the minivan, and leaving me with Faye's car to spend another night with just Staci and Creed!!  Not that I don't love those tornados of energy but how fun to get some adult-only time with the (young) Taylors!

Staci and I had just a short time to relax before we were out the door to go see the movie The Heat with Melissa McCarthy, and Sandra Bulluck (the movied starred them, not that they hung out with us and went to the movies with us).  It got cold with all this terrible weather, and I had to borrow a pair of jeans from Staci.  Luckily, I had brought my jacket with me, so with that I was warm enough.  It was still pouring as we left, and we had to huddle under an umbrella.  Staci treated for the movie, and I had packed some yummy snacks (cheese-its and dove chocolate bites) for us (not that I condone sneaking food into a movie theater), so we were set for a good time.  IT WAS SO SO FUNNY!  I loved it, and am looking forward to making Art watch it!

Back to Staci's for a yummy breakfast for dinner.  EXCEPT for the downed tree in the road up to the mountian.  Abort, Abort!  We had to drive back down, go to the other side of the mountain, and make our way, haltingly, back up and around.  We pulled into a driveway to look at the phone map, and make sure we were going the right way, when someone honked at us.  Someone wanting to get into THEIR driveway that we were blocking.  Oops.  What were the odds of that?  The one good thing of having to go around and being so late, is that when we finally got back, Creed had already made waffles and bacon and it was all ready and waiting for us!  YUMMMMM.  

After dinner and chatting, it was time to seriously cut loose, with some karaoke!!  Creed, in an attempt to stomach hanging out with us, picked most of the songs for us to murder.  Oh, so awful!  But fun.  When our throats finally were too sore, we decided to watch an old favorite - That Thing You Do (after karaoking - is that a word? - one of the songs from it).  This kept us up until midnight, when we finally retired.

Super fun day.  Perfect mix of kids, parents, sibling, fun, and yummy food!  Thanks to the two couples that worked together to orchestrate this little trip!


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