Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Monday, July 08, 2013

Last Full Vacation Day

July 8, 2013
Today was the big day for getting everything packed and ready.  I ended up using 2 additional large duffle bags to get all of our stuff together.  Should be interesting at the airport with 4 bags, 3 carseats, and 4 carry-on bags.

Also, took some time out of my busy day to have a last lunch with my mom.  Back to an old favorite

Eat your heart out Art...Waffle House hashbrowns - scattered and covered for me!

Then off to Kroger with my mom to pick up some fruit gummies for tomorrow's plane ride.  I like to use them during take off and sometimes during decent to help with the ear popping.  The hard part is timing when they start so they don't wolf them down before the altitude climb has leveled a bit. :)

Then back to Leisure Dr for more packing, prepping, and playing.  After tired kids were in bed, Dad, Faye and I played a quick round of Settlers, with some very modified rules to 1) make the game shorter, and 2) to appease Dad, who had to be coerced into playing.  No robber, as usual, but no ports either.  Instead of turning in 4 cards for one, can turn in 2 cards.  It did go fast, but was too easy, and no need for much trading.

I am pretty sure Faye won this, and I was terrible in last place.

Off to bed - big day tomorrow of me flying with the hooligans by myself!


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