Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Embracing Cupertino Summer

Ok.  Today was the day to get back into the swing of things.  Easiest way to do that is head to the movies!  Even easier, head to Apple with a picnic lunch to see DaU, and play on the grass in the courtyard.   Today's $1 movie is Megamind.  I had not seen it in a few years, and was looking forward to seeing it.  Unfortunately, this is the day where the boys decided that the best way to see a movie is in the front row.  Uggh.  But here, we're here for their enjoyment right? :)  I am still a bit irked that the movie showtimes are at 1pm and 3pm, smack in the middle of prime nap time.  I'm planning on trying out both times and see what suits us better.

Today, it must be noted that Zachary is again wearing his Laser's soccer jersey.  He packed it to take on our East trip, so when I saw him wearing it today, I asked if he wanted to wear a different shirt, perhaps one he had not worn repeatedly for the past 3 weeks.  His reply "nope, this makes me look cool".  So it begins.  

We had a few minutes before the movies started, so the boys played on the arcade equipment.  However, me being a miser, they did not get to actually play it, but had to pretend.  It's good for their developing brains. 

Then off to the theater for our 90 minutes of fun.   Yannick did great again.  He is definitely tired by the end, and ready for bed, but he lies in my lap contentedly with his paci for the end of the movie when he can fall asleep in the car on the way home.

Lovely smiles from two of my boys.  Yannick was too busy running up and down the aisle to take a picture.  Wyatt just wants his snack already.  Despite the fact that we just finished lunch less than 30 minutes ago.  


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