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Thursday, July 04, 2013

Happy Birthday America!

Yea!  4th of July!

Before we left for the East, Faye called and asked if wanted to run the Peachtree this year.  I did not sign up for it, because I'm cheap and did not want to spend the $40 to do the race.  But Dad did sign up, and now that race day was approaching, he decided he would rather babysit the 3 boys and have me "run" the race instead.  So for the sake of the Peachtree Road Race, I became Michael, as was printed on my number.  Since the numbers were purchased at a discount through Coke, via Joy, I also got a nice athletic-fiber running shirt.  My partners in this adventure were Staci, Joy, and Faye.  Creed was also going, but was going to attempt to run all or most of it, while the rest of us were strictly walking, and, once Staci introduced us to the phenomena,  prancercizing.  Oh my yes.  But I get ahead of myself.  We had to get up early early.  We were all praying the rain would hold off for long enough for us to finish most of the race.  We wanted to leave the house by 7ish.  Eeek.  Joy takes good care of us, and made sure we all had some 4th of July flair.  Here we all are, ready to go

We have necklaces, tattoos, ribbons.  We think we are ready.  

But we are wrong.  We add to our looks while we are on Marta, to get really race ready.

Check out the jaunty angle of the tiny hat Mimi has!

And now I have added some ribbon to my "rockin" hand, and a sweet tattoo of a firecracker to my leg.    I am totally ready for this 10k.  Except for one thing.  My shoes.  I have newish shoes.  They are very comfy, and I am happy with them, particularly because I got them on sale as TJMaxx.  So then what's the problem?  They are not neon, or even a bright color.  My shoes are feeling like the white apartment walls around bright Caribbean house colors.  Sigh. :)

As evidenced by the "Y" on our numbers, we are starting at very nearly the back of the pack, which means we had plenty of time for pre race fun.

Whoa, that is a big bow!

Now we're really start the long, slow walk to the starting line.  Check out Mr. Photo Bomber by the "Y" sign.  At least it's my favorite letter - some good mojo to get us started.  Joy, by the way, is 110% paranoid about the rain.  She is ready to get this party started, and quick.  She is prepared to turn into a major Ms. Grumpy Pants if she gets cold and wet.  I however, am so relieved that it is not 90deg out and so humid I can drink the air.  It's actually a bit chilly.

And we're off...sort a bunch of cattle being herded towards a chute.
The starting line - as taken through my ziploc bagged iphone.  Yes, iphone.  Everyone should have an iphone (says the Apple spouse robot training kicking in).

We are all able to stick together until the big divide happens.  Slowbies on the right, runners on the left, and Creed leaves us in the dust.  In the end, he comes in about 30-40 minutes before we do.

praying the weather will hold out!

Good thing I am not claustrophobic.

As we were walking the race, trying to keep a nice brisk pace, we saw many interesting characters.  One heavyset woman with a shirt that read, in the back, "if you can read this then I'm not last".  Cute.  Several people dressed up.  Next year, it has been decided that we will do the race in tutus.  One lady doing really well with arm brace canes.  Some in wheelchairs.  Some crazy leotard-wearing, baton-twirling guy that is famous in downtown ATL.  And all the onlookers.  I love the onlookers.  They are taking time out of their day to stand or sit on the side of the rode just to cheer us all on.  Poor them.  We were in wave Y, and that means they had already been there for hours.  So, I took it upon myself to cheer them on, with my "rockin'" arm (aforementioned ribbons), and loud "Whoooooo"s.  Nearly everyone perked up when I cheered on their cheering on.  Good times.  Staci and Joy ran through an open fire hydrant, and were surprised that they got soaked.  :)  I did stop for nearly every single water break thanks to a slight neurosis that I can never be without water on my person...recalling childhood vacations trips perhaps.  However, I could not really drink that much, so I ended up carrying little paper cups of water quite a bit of the time.  Tried out McD's new blueberry pomegranate smoothie.  Bypassed the free beer tent.  Got some good stickers for the Christian radio station in ATL, the Fish.  Staci and Joy did quite a bit of prancercizing.  Pushed Mimi up some of the harder hills.  Taught everyone to squeeze their buttocks when they walk, which takes the pressure off the quads.   Wanted to stop at Starbucks, but didn't.  Cheered on a few bands.  Tried not to look directly at the Fur Van, which consisted of guys and girls in bathing suits with fake hair in icky places.  Staci and Joy had to take a break to take pictures with some attractive firemen.  Thanked a lot of police officers.  There were many many around...and the Boston marathon was on people's minds I'm sure.

Joy and Staci and I did some leaps and prancercizing for the cameras.  Then, what I'll call the "big mistake".  The finish line was approaching, and, I blame Joy because she's young and in good shape, for some crazy reason, Staci, Joy  and I started moving a bit faster, then faster, then faster, until we were all-out sprinting towards the finish line.  WHAT?!?!?  Oh yes.  Staci popped about 4 blisters and had to go to the medical tent while I wondered if I would need hip replacement.  Joy was fine.  Insult to injury, I really thought I was a pretty fast sprinter.  Um, no.  Joy killed me.  grumble grumble.

As we waited for Staci at the medical tent, it started to rain.  Then harder, then harder.  HA, now it was Joy's turn to grumble.  She was nervous there would not be any Medium shirts left. But there were.  Plenty.  But it was so so gross.  Mud everywhere!  Oh my new shoes!!  Ick.  We made it up to the Coke tent where they had gotten Einstein Bros to cater.  Yum!  Plus free Dasani, Powerade, and of course Coke.  For the record, Einstein Bros makes some yummy chocolate chip cookies.  Yes, I had two, but hey, I just briskly walked 6.3miles.  

Uggh, now it was time to walk back to Marta.  Another mile. But, the rain had stopped, but I thought my body might die.  When we got to Marta, thankfully, Faye thought to stretch out, and the stretching made all the difference.  I felt so much better, and was never really sore after that.  

Made it back to the house, showered, and fell asleep for about an hour or longer, with my bedmate Joy.  She was out for hours and hours.

Then it was time for homemade ice cream and grilled food!  

Art's plan was to ride his bike to a park to watch the fireworks shot from Cupertino HS.  The bike being brilliant to avoiding post fireworks traffic.   I also went to see fireworks.  Joy drove to the top of the downtown Coke parking building, and we watched the Centennial Park fireworks from there.  Unfortunately, they were not so great.  First off, it was incredibly cloudy/foggy.  With rain off and on all day, the clouds just hung low in the sky.  Second, there was no breeze, so the smoke from one firework did not clear out, but accumulated until we could barely see them.  It looked like a lightning storm.  BUT, we did get to see some of it, AND it IS 4th of July, and it would not be the same if we had not seen them.  Totally worth it!

See, we did get to see some of it.  Many time you could not see the tops of the buildings, but when the smoke cleared we got some good shots of the fireworks.  Thanks Joy for taking me!

Long day, and I have to be up and out early tomorrow to go to Chattanooga with the boys.  Back home and to bed!

Happy Birthday America!  Where "at least I know I'm free" to quote Lee Greenwood.  " I won't forget the men (people) who died, to give that right to me"


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