Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Monday, July 29, 2013

Home Depot Trip

July 29, 2013

Today I had HAD IT with the toilet in the boys' room.  It broke a little last week, but you were still able to use it if you struggled a bit.  Well today it finished breaking.  I took it apart, and saw the part it needed to fix it. 

So off to Home Depot to fix it.  
Two things worth mentioning about this picture.  One, we were only going to be in the store for a few minutes while I got a new part to the toilet.  I asked the moment I walked in and was quickly guided to the indoor plumbing area.  Despite the quickness of this trip, they all needed to bring books in with them to read in the store.  LOVE IT!  Desperate to have 3 little readers!

The second item of note is that Yannick threw a F I T because he wanted to be in the big boy seats.  Unfortunately there were only two of them.  He was crying and screaming about having to sit in the baby seat until i suggested that he sit in the cart instead.  No baby seat, and the entire cart to himself.  Given the size of the part I needed was about the size of my hand, I think there was room.  He was thrilled by this, and we were good to go.

While we were in the neighborhood, we dropped by Goodwill to see if I could find something decent to store their stuffed animals in, since they have outgrown the old home for stuffed animals, and it burst open at the seams.

Also, when we got home, I successfully fixed the toilet.  Take that, naysayers.    


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