Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Travel Day Manassas to Myrtle Beach

We ended up having a pretty relaxed morning.  We were up early enough to shower, pack, eat breakfast, take some family pictures, and still be on the road around 9am.  Not too shabby.  The rental car trunk was huge so we had no worries getting everything in.  There was even some time to sit and read.
Yannick reading one of his favorite train books to Eli

Zachary was very very pouty about having to leave.  He did not want to leave his cousins, especially Jacob, with whom he had a special bond.  He kept saying it was not fair that our time was split evenly between cousins, and the beach/atlanta.  Little does he know, he would be hard pressed to find anyone in Manassas that wants him to stay longer that about 5 days! :)

Then we were on the road, and headed out.  I had packed lunch for the boys so they would be able to play when we stopped for lunch.  I was able to find a CFA with a play place, so we were all happy.  Oddly though, the boys were not that interested in playing.  There were too many kids I think.  So we ate and left.

Then the boys finally napped, which always makes me relax a bit more, knowing they will be in a better humor later for having gotten a bit of a nap at least.

We made pretty decent time, and made it to Myrtle Beach well before dinner time.  Poppi and Mimi met us at the airport and took us back to the beach house.  This place was crazy!  I had seen a map online, but this was even more in person.  It is like a large subdivision with only one entrance/exit.  There are places to tent camp, places to put your RV and blocks and blocks of beach houses.  Some are massive, and elegant, some are little more than a single wide trailer.  Our house was just a few feet from the walkway to the beach.  There were golf carts everywhere!  You could rent them if you did not have your own, or if the property did not have one.  Dad was planning on renting one later this week.  We got in, got settled, ate dinner, and decided to go to the pool first.  It was a great pool!  It had 3 different places you could be, maybe 4 even.  Zachary and Poppi stayed in the deep pool to play while Wyatt and Yannick enjoyed the zero-entry pool with water guns and splash bucket, and waterfall.

Here is Mimi getting into the fun of using the water gun

I have almost no pictures of our time at the beach so I hope I can steal some (like the one above) from the family. 

After it started getting a bit chilly it was time to walk the long walk back and get the boys ready for bed. Like at home, here they got to share a room. Bunk beds and a trundle bed. 

We were pretty tired but there was time for a competitive game of bananagrams 


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