Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Monday, June 24, 2013

Last full day - Opa & Oma's

July 24, 2013

Today was a big pool day.  Several days have been.  Once day, Sunday maybe, was full of everyone in the pool splashing, jumping, and being crazy.  Today was more of that.  Everyone was in the pool for hours, getting out only to eat.

Our little guy taking a snack break

Also hanging out with his only younger cousin (for now)
Eli was quite happy to be in his papasan hanging out on the porch with everyone!

I took no pictures of all the pool shenanigans, but I did get at least one picture, and one video of Wyatt in the pool.  Sorry Z and N, nothing of you! 

Wyatt preferred to have no floaties and stay in the shallow end and swim under water to his heart's content rather than wear them and be in the deep end with all the jumping and splashing.

It was a bit chilly, but once you got used to it, it was so very nice!  

But one can't stay in the pool the entire time!
I think that Nick was a bit jealous, and climbed into Art's lap while he was holding Eli.  Though Yannick seems content to share with Eli.

Cutie cute!

Sadly, that's all the pictures I have for the day.  I don't remember what else we did on what days.  We grilled steak one night, which was excellent.  We had sandwiches and watermelon on the deck.  The surprising thing was that we never played any games!  I did get to finish watching the last 20 minutes of Soul Surfer with Mia today (I think).

Tonight was a pain because Art and I had to go pick up the rental car.  Opa drove us to the airport, and we had to wait around for awhile while they washed a sedan for us.  Then back home, late (around 10pm), and time to pack up for a bit before bed.  No time for swimming tomorrow morning.  We are headed out after breakfast.


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