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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sunday at Opa and Oma's

June 23, 2013

The first big shock was - what in the world is this wet stuff coming from the sky??  Oh wait, accessing my deep-past memory, I remember the word....R A I N.  :)  We have not seen rain since April, and then it was sunny still, and only a few hours of it.  Before that, it was January I believe that we had rain...maybe early February.  :)  So yes, it was pouring, ugly dark skies, etc.  Opa and Oma were excited for all of us to see their new church.

Before we could get started though, we needed to pass through another Karl facial hair stage
Not scary at all. :)

Their church had a nursery, which Nick thankfully went into without any issues.  There was no children's church however, so our two, and Paul/Railey's 5 stayed for the service.  We were so big we took up nearly two entire rows.

The service was enjoyable, and our kids were placated with markers and notebooks.
Back to Oma & Opa's for lunch, swimming, and naps.

Tonight was the big "adult's only" dinner out.  Jessica agreed to babysit the zoo of boys, and Mia forwent her adult evening to babysit Eli.  I don't have very many pictures of the evening, but it was wonderful.  A big table, so it was hard to chat with everyone - perhaps we should have switched up seating every so often. :)  Here's what I took:
Karl (no facial hair now) picking out the wine.


Everyone but Thomas, who is (obviously) taking the picture.

Hmmmm...not sure what they are talking about :)

I am sure there are better pictures somewhere.

Back to the house, to find all the kids outside checking out the giant moon.  They were on their way back to Paul & Railey's to get ready for bed.

I got to check out the pieces Mia submitted for acceptance into the advanced art program.  they were amazing!!  I could have started at the piece of the running shoes for hours.  Just wonderful.

And finally, to bed!  Tomorrow is the last full day.



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