Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, June 21, 2013

Friday at Opa and Oma's

June 21, 2013

First off, happy happy birthday to Opa!!  Not everyone was here yet, but that did not stop us from enjoying some yummy yummy cake with very lemony icing!

Swimming.  Lots of swimming.  Every day was lots of swimming.  So wonderful to have the pool right there in the backyard!

The afternoon activity was going to play mini golf, and get some ice cream.  Art and I had a tough decision to make because when we were all about ready to go, Yannick was still napping.  To wake him or not wake him was the question!  Janneke was going to stay home with Eli, so we could have left him sleeping, but what if he awoke before we got back and he was not thrilled to be there w/out the rest of his family.  We also (erroneously, as it turns out) thought he would love to play miniature golf with us.  So we woke him up.  He is generally a great waker-upper (official term) when he is forced awake.  Like it's a great surprise.  We were a big group going.  Our family of five, Railey and the 5 kids, and the benefactors, Opa and Oma.  We broke into 3 groups: Me, Railey, Mia, and Yannick in one group, then Art with Wyatt, Andrew, and Ben, and finally Oma and Opa with Zachary, Jacob, and John.  Our group was fine except that Yannick was a total pill.  Art's group was a struggle until he finally let Andrew and Wyatt just do whatever they wanted.  All in all it was a fun time for all the kids, except for perhaps temper tantrum throwing Yannick, who several times just sat down on the green and screamed for DaU.  

Opa and Oma with the some of the grandkids (minus Mia, Yannick, and John) that were in attendance.  It was plenty hot.

Next we walked across the parking lot to get kids cones for everyone.  It was delicious ice cream for sure!  Though Yannick wanted none of it.  Seriously, what kid turns his nose up at ice cream?  Our Nick does I guess!  He basically made it a tough outing for all of us, but we persevered.  

What finally made him happy for the afternoon was
Getting to ride all the ride-on toys that Opa and Oma have.  Nick ended up parking them all in a line, and taking turns with each one.  Pretty cute.

More swimming, dinner, and bed.  


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