Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, July 20, 2013

Explore CA Saturday - hiking

July 20, 2013

Today on the docket, after laying around in bed, eating a leisurely breakfast, is a new hiking spot.  It is so lovely to drive less than 10 minutes and be in the forest near the Stevens Creed reservoir.  Today we chose a spot call Cooly picnic spot.  We, shockingly, had plenty of time before lunch to explore.  We explored a little creek that ran by the picnic area.  Zachary found a "crab" (probably a crayfish) that was hiding out under the water in the hole of a tree trunk.  He was desperate to see it again and show it to Art.  We managed to tear him away long enough to go on a little hike.

Unfortunately,  the hike ended up being cut short by poor Wyatt.

He got stung by something on his bottom lip!  Poor guy.  He just started screaming that a green thing fell down and landed on him.  We could easily see the puncture spot and then the swelling started.  Wyatt refused to speak for a good 20 minutes.  

We headed back to the picnic area, and I doctored Wyatt up a bit, and got some ice on his wound.  I started setting up lunch, and we again, had to tear Zachary away from the stream to eat.  After lunch, back to the stream, then another attempt at a hike.

First, some fun with bubbles!!

This hike also did not last terribly long, because Yannick started getting tired and pathetic as it approached nap time.  Back home for naps.  Not a huge success, but they are eager to go back and try out the trail again, so in that sense, for them to be excited to go back, it was a rousing success.  After naps and snack, we realized that the power was out.  Not expected to be back until 7:30pm or later.  So our idea is to go back to Cooley picnic area, this time NOT try to hike, but to explore in the stream a bit.  I brought extra clothes and towels in case they got soaked.  We planned to eat dinner out, using some coupons Nellie gave us.  She is being increasingly generous as the date for a showing gets closer.  I know she feels badly about us having to move after the house is sold.  Especially since we have not even been here 6 months yet!

So back we go armed with nets, a jar, and other explorer items!
Boys have discovered the rope swing.

It was good that there was a rope swing there, because it distracted Z from his disappointment.  The "crab" was still there, but two ladies were in the water with a crab catching cage, and finally caught him, put him in a bucket with many others, and took off.

And now our evening changes from Creek Explorer evening to Redneck Holiday evening. (no offense to rednecks of course).

At this point they are still fully dressed, and not yet soaked.

But we can see that trouble is coming

Yannick conflicted between being an explorer and heading over to the rope swing swimmin' hole with his brothers.

And now we are shirtless.  Ok, they are shirtless. 

Even the little guy is shirtless and getting soaked (yes, we did pack a change of clothes for everyone, anticipating they just might get wet :) )

Check out the sun shining on my little angel, who is "being strong" and picking up rocks.

And the part of our evening that truly makes it a redneck holiday is the parents, sitting by in sports chairs.

You can take the parents out of the south, but can't take the South out of the parents. :)

It started getting later and later, and we needed to do something about dinner.  Unfortunatley, our boys were beyond disgusting.  Even a towel dry and new clothes could not help.  What now?  No power at home, too gross to go out.  We settle on a Staci-approved meal for dinner - cereal.  At home.  After they got baths.

A very enjoyable day!



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