Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Monday, July 15, 2013

Summer Homework!

July 15, 2013

FINALLY, I have started the big boys on their program of summer homework - only a month after they got out of school!  Better late than never!  They were very excited to get started on it, had good attitudes, and completed it with a smile.  I am sure tomorrow will be a different story.

Wyatt has two preschool books he is going through - one for math, and one for reading.  He then has to practice writing letters and numbers in his spiral notebook.

Yannick slept very late today, and is eating breakfast while the other two get going on their homework.  

Zachary is required to complete two pages of math from his math notebook that came from school.  He has to work on old vocabulary words, and he also has to write in his journal "what I did yesterday" with a picture to go with it.  


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