Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Happy Birthday Art!!

July 18, 2013

Happy Happy Birthday to a wonderful husband and a fantastic father!  As always we hope we succeed in honoring him well.  This year, being his 39th, I wanted to throw him an "almost 40" (using the recurring joke from when he was turning 28, but thought he was turning 29, and was lamenting that he was 'almost 30') party.  However, our friend base here is just not quite big enough yet to support a party of that magnitude.  Had we still been in Heavenston, uhh, I mean Evanston, I would have thrown him a rockin' party.  We still tried to show him a good day!

First, breakfast in bed of course!
Second, the much anticipated present.  Oh the boys were so excited.  We told DaU that his real present was outside in the back yard, where the boys were waiting for him, but that he would have to first open this big box, because it had part of the present he would need.  Of course he opened the box and out poured three boys screaming "happy birthday".  I would say it was not a total shock, given their propensity to giggle.

Hard to get giggling moving boys in focus, but out pours Yannick and Wyatt.

Then a giggling Zachary pours out.  

Surprise!  They are desperate to know if Art was surprised, and if he liked it.  They eagerly showed off all their work.

Sadly, then it was time for Art to go to work.  BUT, we did come have lunch with him at Apple today before heading off to see Madagascar at the movies.  Wyatt was very very disappointed that Art could not go with us to the movies, since it was his birthday.  He said "you need to tell the workers that it is your birthday, and you are going, and that is it."  Needless to say, he did not "tell the workers".  Instead we took the girlfriend of one of Art's coworkers who was in town for the summer with no car, and no way to escape the apartment.  So that was fine.

Art was able to escape a bit early, and get home in time to finish his birthday off right:  with a picnic in the park listening to a Beatles tribute band!

Here we are using the Subway gift card (a birthday present from Nana) for dinner, and enjoying the music.  It gets cold here once the sun goes down.  After this picture, we packed everything up and moved all the way over to the sunshine!  For dessert I made a heath bar trifle, knowing it is his favorite.  Thinking he might take it to work and share it.  Nope, he wanted it to stay AT HOME.  :)  So I brought some of it along tonight, where it got eaten quickly!

After the dinner, the boys had little to no interest in the band or the music and wanted to play with the balls we brought.  That quickly turned into "forget the balls, let's just wrestle".  Which they proceeded to do for the next 45 minutes.  All the other kids around us are playing something organized like soccer or catch, or frisbee.  Our boys are a tornado of arms and legs rolling around each other.

Yannick about to tackle them both.

Mass of boys was all we had to look out for.

Art and I got colder and colder, and the boys got too hot running around they wanted to take their jackets off.  

We finally went home and wished Art another Happy Birthday before putting the boys into bed.

Happy Birthday Lurvities!  I hope you had a great one!  Next year is a big one, so we'd better start planning now!


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