Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Preparing Art's Birthday Gift

July 17, 2013

For months and months, since we moved in I think, Wyatt and Zachary have been eagerly awaiting Art's birthday present.  Wyatt, the worst secret-keeper, was even able to keep this from Art.  They wanted to use one of the huge wardrobe moving boxes, and get "wrapped" up inside it and let Art open it.  So today we decorated the box with markers and stickers, on all 6 sides, to prepare for tomorrow.

ZW with stickers and markers  Zachary actually wrote some messages

I wrote some stuff too!  Yannick is using the stickers.

All 3 working on it - Yannick is perusing the sticker bag on the table

The boys testing out the box to see if they could see and breathe.

Now I have hidden it in the garage until tomorrow morning.


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