Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Nana Visit - Cupertino Day

This is a no picture post.  Today was a mild day after yesterday's day of travel.  Wyatt had gymnastics at 11:15, so we just stayed around the house reading and playing.  Wyatt's little buddy Eli was tentatively suppose to come over for a make-up playdate from the week before that was only 15 minutes long.  But I never sent her a text to confirm, and she never showed up, so there you go.  House cleaned though, which is always nice.  This was Wyatt's last gymnastics class, so it was good that Nana got to see it.  As always very cute.  This time they used a mat that I had not seen before, but was so cool I want it.  Basically you sit down on a cut out in a mat that rolls backwards to teach you how to do back handsprings.  Boy I hope they boys want to keep taking gymnastics!

We played at the playground for a bit then went home for lunch.

Mom could hardly stand it and was so excited to get the boys their birthday presents, that after naps and snack, we loaded up into the car and headed to Target.  I did some grocery shopping while Nana took the two big boys to pick out their gifts.  She went overboard on gifts, but she and the kids were happy, so who am I to complain??  Both boys knew exactly what they wanted - in the BOOK department!  Zachary was super eager to get the Complete Ninjago Character book.  Dad had bought the boys the Complete Star Wars Character book, and it was a big hit.  After Aidan's birthday party though, Zachary has been into Lego Ninjago.  It is a nice change from Star Wars. :)  So Zachary got that book, and Wyatt got a Ninjago sticker book.  Then they wanted to "just look" at the toys of course.  Mom ended up getting 3 more lego sets, a musical book for Yannick, Sequence for Art and I, and Sequence for Kids for the boys.

After Target we headed to Apple to have dinner with Art.  I was a bit tense about getting food etc, probably because I was super hungry.  The boys played for a bit outside, but Yannick was still feeling a bit off.  We piled back into the car and headed home for bed, while poor Art biked home. 

After the kids were in bed, it was time for some Sequence!  Mom won two games and Art won one.  

Poor Shayna...the big loser. :(


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