Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Opa and Oma arrive - Tuesday

This morning I was able to sneak in a quick workout on the elliptical. I was hoping to work out some of these seriously sore muscles. Yesterday's Bosu bootcamp class KILLED me!! It was my first time, and it was rough. I will be sore for days. Alas, I'm not sure if today's workout helped or made it worse.

Yannick, Wyatt and I went to the airport at 11:30 to pick up Oma and Opa. Their flight arrived early, and we were lucky to get there just moments before they walked out of security! We drove to Apple (after a quick turn around when I somehow missed the exit despite having driven this route many many times) to meet Art for lunch. I had packed lunch for the boys and they ate in the car so they could play in the courtyard as always. I got my usual, the burrito. We stayed there while Art and his parents chatted for probably about an hour. Then home for a quick tour of the house and naps. Everyone laid down. Check out Opa's new favorite resting spot! Tuesday is Zach's early day, so it was not a long lie in, but enough. Tuesday is also Art's early day because he is coaching Zachary's soccer team. They have to leave the house at 5pm. Wyatt is still practicing with the lasers, though he does not enjoy the drills. Art, both his parents, Z, and W all left for practice. I asked Yannick what he wanted to do - go to the playground? His response: "ride bike. hemet" Ugghhh, he wanted to go for a bike ride on the back of my bike. I AM SO SORE!! None the less, we went. I decided to bike up to Andes Cafe to see f it would be big enough for a soccer mom's get together. Not sure it is. But I might try it anyway, since I can just walk there or, as I did now, ride my bike. As we were leaving, I kept thinking this was too too hard., and that I am so very out of shape. That is when I realized both my tires were on the flat side!! Sheesh. No wonder it had been so hard. Back home to start dinner, though they would not be home for awhile. I wanted it ready just in case they had a quick return and in case the little one got too too hungry.
Art's report of the practice was that Opa and Oma watched for a good deal, then walked around a bit, then had to go wait in the car because it was so cold.
Evening went fast. Dinner, baths, bible stories, bed. Parents stayed up until 9pm then went to bed as well. A terribly long day for them!


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