Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter at church

Our church starts at 4pm, which gives us the opportunity to spend a lot more family time at home on Sunday. The only down side that is that we usually have to wake Yannick up from his nap, and that we have to put on church clothes in the middle of the day (though really, everything goes at our church).
The message was one unpacking one verse only: John 3:16. As the greatest sacrifice, the greatest love, the greatest gift, etc.
After the service today, they were having baptisms. One fun way to get people to stay after church is to have a yummy food truck come! Our boys were very well behaved, all sitting together, watching the baptisms. Very sweet. It prompted some questions from Zachary about what it means and when can you get baptized etc. It is definitely time to start shepherding his heart towards him being ready to accept Christ as his savior.

After the baptisms, we got in the long line for FOOD TRUCK. I had brought pb sandwiches for the boys, knowing they would probably not want anything. Good decision. they were happy, and we didnt have to spend too much money. Art and I shared a yummy 4 taco plate. SO GOOD!! We met a few new people, including a young guy who had gone to Savannah Christian, and an older couple who lived in Asia for 20 years for his work. They also have 3 boys and survived. :)

We got a friend to take some pictures of our family for Easter pics. Yannick paid them back by trying to ride their middle son (same age as Nick) like a horse. Sheesh. :)

The boys wanted to play on the playground for a bit before leaving so we did that too.
A very nice day!


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