Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Monday, March 25, 2013

Zach's cool shoes

So Zachary's poor shoes are in bad bad shape. There are sizable holes on the bottom. He has some cute slip on converse type shoes but he does not like them. I have been looking at goodwill for a pair for him, but no luck. At this age it is often difficult to find his sizes since boys are so tough on their clothes and shoes. So this means.....NEW SHOES....oh the horror!! :) Well, I looked at some on Amazon, hoping to not spend too much money. Then I consulted him, and we looked online at Amazon and Payless. He decided he wanted Black running shoes. Payless had a pair he loved for $14. I was about to order them online but decided to call the Cupertino store to see if they had them. Indeed they did, so after church, we passed up the opportunity to grill out with some friends, and went to get his much anticipated new shoes. He loves them. He wanted a cool picture of them, not just him wearing them, so here they are Monday at school. He even wrote about them in his March journal at school.


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