Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Birthday Party!

Sadly, I have no pictures of this day. Such a shame. I am posting the entry anyway...maybe the host will send some pictures my way eventually. Today we went to Zoe's 3rd bday (though I inscribed her book w/ 4th bday wishes...sheesh) party. A princess party where guests were required to dress up. So our family of course took it to the next level. Yes, it is just dumb that we don't have pictures, especially after my description, but hopefully I will get some. Zachary was a knight, though he refused to bring his sword (odd!), Wyatt was The Hulk, Yannick was Superman, and their parents, yes we dressed up too. Art was a bit more subtle, wearing his Holland Lion shirt. It has a large lion face on the shirt, then you can lift up the entire shirt which becomes a huge lion mouth. Art wore this to Zachary's soccer game yesterday and roared at all the kids. :) Which he did again today. I went a bit overboard and wore a fancy dress that my mom made many years ago for Joel and Emily's wedding in, what?, 1999 maybe? Sheesh. And the icing was that I wore my tiara from my wedding. Oh yes I did. AND, I never took it off the entire party, despite all the other moms in jeans and yoga pants. I do have to admit that I was not totally at ease being so dressed up around a bunch of strangers, but hey, they were probably just jealous anyway. :) One lady told me that she wished she had worn her wedding dress...I did not tell her about my wedding party I threw where I opened the door for all the guests wearing my wedding dress. Want to let the crazy out slowly. :)

That said, it was an enjoyable party. Their neighbors brought over their personal bounce house which livened things up for all the kids. The catered lunch (gourmet tacos) was G O O D!! All 5 of us enjoyed ourselves. And we all met some new people. Zachary was just thrilled that for once, he wasn't the oldest kid there!

The thing with having church at 4pm, is that sometimes we forget that it is Sunday. Art asked a couple of the guys what they were doing the rest of the afternoon, and they said "uhhh, church". Duh! We were all pretty tired from the party. I think even Z took a nap.

Fun times!


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