Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, March 22, 2013

Poppi visit - Thursday

A relaxing day today, after two days of go-go-go. Art and I took Zachary to school, then I took Art to work, then back home. I attempted the major project of going through the 2T clothes to get them ready for Yannick. Got overwhelmed after going through 22 pairs of just long pants. MOM, lay off the clothes buying - how many pairs of pants does a toddler need?? :)

Then off to Wyatt's gymnastics class! He is doing so well in that class. His form is good, he is excited, etc. Poppi really enjoyed watching all of it.

After playing on the playground for a bit, we headed over to apple to have lunch with DaU. I had fixed lunch for the kids to eat in the car on the way over so they could play in the Apple courtyard once there, and not worry about eating. Wyatt, who is VERY particular about having the exact same lunch every single day (peanut butter and honey sandwich) balked at his PIZZA...yes pizza...sheesh...and I took pity on him and made him a sandwich and let Nick eat W's pizza. Things I do for these kids. Lunch at Apple is always enjoyable. warm sun, soft full grass, kids able to run and play. Plus, as we saw today, the surrounding buildings do a great job blocking the wind.

Back home for naps, where I finally started blogging again after 9 months!

Poor Art had to work late late tonight, so I abandoned dinner plans and we decided to take all of us back to Apple and eat at the cafe for dinner with Art. First though, a trip to Target for Poppi to buy the boys some new toys! Z got a Lego Hero guy and a small pack of Pokemon cards, W got a ImagiNext eagle to go w/ his knights castle and some Pokemon action figures...if you can call them that. Y got a choo choo.

Dinner at Apple was even more enjoyable than lunch. Art gets a $12 credit towards his dinner if he works late, so for the 6 of us we (read: Poppi) only had to pay $10 for the entire dinner. part...the cashier said that the fresh, warm, delicious chocolate chip cookies were free for kids. So yes, I took 3 cookies, and had them split 2 and took one home for ME. Bad mom, perhaps but I am ok with that. It was a CHEWY DELICIOUS COOKIE. so back off.

We spent so much time at Apple that we did not get home in time to watch Cars. We are watching it for Yannick to see it his first time. He is so into cars, or "goes" as he calls them, and even more into PickUps, that we think he will love Cars. The big boys are not excited about watching it but are willing. Apparently Cars is for babies. Somehow Art and I missed that as we were enjoying it over the years with Z and W. Hmmmm. Tomorrow night then.

It is 9:30 and I am now going to finally pick up Art from work who would rather not ride his bike home this late.

No pictures of today's fun, so here is a random one from Tuesday when Yannick took all the bricks out of the toy box so he could sit in it.

Library books enjoyed today:
Chloe and the Lion by Mac Barnett
Diary of a Worm
Blankie (toddler book)


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