Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Wyatt training with the Lasers

The coach of Zachary's soccer team, the Lasers, said it would be fine for younger siblings to attend practice. Wyatt could not go last week because he did not have any shin guards. Cleats are not required but shin guards are. So today we made a trip to Goodwill for something else entirely. While there, I thought, lets just look and see. They had one pair of cleats, and they were Wyatt's size! Then I thought, no way will they have shin guards. Yes way! And for $1. :) So here is Wyatt decked out and ready to join practice. He was so so excited. He wore his shin guards to nap time. He was quite proud to show Z once he got home.

This is the best part. We left it up to Zachary if W should attend practice or not. It is his team, and he may not want his brother there, which is totally reasonable. We were pleased that Z was eager for W to be there with him! Yea good brothers!

Yannick and I did not attend practice w/ them and Art bc he has had a rough few days of temper tantrums and it just was not worth it. Wyatt told me later that he enjoyed practice a lot, but does not want to do it again. WHAT?!?! Really, he just did not want to do the drills bc they are too hard. He only wants to do the scrimmage game. Seems reasonable. These kids are 2-3yrs older than him; seems reasonable the drills would be difficult. So next week, he can just do what he wants, even if that is only playing in the scrimmage at the end of the practice.


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