Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Monday, March 25, 2013

Blast from the Past

Last week, we watched Cars for the first time for Yannick. It has been probably two years since we've seen it (we have seen Cars 2 more recently), because both bigger boys think it is for babies (which of course it isn't!), but really because they are into other things now. Well, after watching the movie over 3 successive days - Nick is just not yet into watching an entire movie, even if it is about "goes" (his word for cars), ZW developed a renewed interest in their old Cars toys. They have been reenacting the final race where Chick Hicks bumps The King, and other parts of the movie. It is fun for me to watch them playing with those toys since they have not had any interest in them for a long time...not when there are legos and Star Wars, etc to play with.

here they all three are in the playroom playing with Mater, Lightning McQueen, Chick Hicks, King, Sally, and whoever else we have. Nick is just happy to have a playmate with his beloved "goes".


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