Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Hup Holland!

A nice present from family in Holland.  Yannick is the only one who hasn't been to Holland yet, not that the other boys remember going.  We will have to change that!

Looking a bit tight around the middle!

On a side note, our friends, the W family, who are missionaries in Slovenia are here again for 2 nights.  Our Wyatt is happy to have baby Wyatt in the house again.  However, Wyatt is not a huge fan of baby Wyatt's head adjusting helmet (he had surgery in March to correct his lack of soft spot) b/c he said it looks like it hurts.  Which is doesn't, and does not affect baby Wyatt's disposition at all.

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