Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Aunt Joy visits: Saturday evening

Tonight I was going to a dinner party for a friend's 29th birthday.  Joy and Art were planning on grabbing take-out and heading to the "roller slide playground", aka Lincoln elementary school.  They took off and gave me 30 minutes to get ready in the quiet, which was treat!  I stopped by the playground on my way out
Dress almost fits post-maternity!

Just to make sure all was well.  Of course it was, so I was on my way.  In my absence, many things occurred.
First, the playground
 Big boys having a slide race (hard from this angle to see which one is older)

 Art hurting himself a bit!

 Big boys loving roller slide

Zachary getting his bumpy ride

Then they all went back home for more shenanigans, what the boys call "mess of pillows" which I do NOT allow when I am at home.  For one, it is a HUGE mess - yes, they get the mattress off their beds to use as "safety devices"...sheesh.  Second, and most importantly, I can't stand to see them engage in activities I think are too risky or dangerous.  That is why it is important to have a dad!  Or better, a DaU! :)

First Wyatt

 Yes, that is Buster the bear who has made it on the pile of safety devices!

Even looking at the pictures makes me nervous!

Now Zachary

Yikes and double yikes!

Then the big boys went to bed and the adults, while mommy was still out partying, got some time with Yannick.  This is how it was when I came home at 10pm.

 My little guy asleep with Aunt Joy!

After some playtime with DaU of course.

A seriously fun and full day!

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