Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, June 17, 2011

Aunt Joy Visits: Friday!

Aunt Joy has come to meet our little peanut.  and to see the rest of us of course! :)

Prelude: Thursday night was our regularly scheduled date night, so we thought we'd go with just Joy out for dinner. We were thinking she would get to see the boys, meet Yannick, and then drop them off at the M family while we went out.  Unfortunately, the train took a bit longer than expected, and I had dropped the boys off by the time Joy made it.  Then, Art and Joy did not want to wait for me to finish nursing Nick at the M's house, so they walked SUPER FAR to Lou Malnatti's.  I met them there and we had a lovely dinner.  Joy was a bit sad b/c she did not get to see the boys which made it seem like as "wasted" night.  Plenty of time for kiddos though.  She did get a few minutes of Yannick time after we picked the boys up, since he is currently going to bed around 10pm or so.

Friday:  Big day.
Aunt Joy changing Nick's diaper

 Yannick had shots in the morning, so Joy took the big boys to our "twig" library for story hour while I went to the dr.  Then we grabbed Subway for the adults, and went to the lake by NWern to eat lunch and feed the ducks/fish.  Fun outing for everyone!  Unfortunately, later in the afternoon, Yannick had a bad reaction to his shots and was very sensitive to the touch and screamy.  Not exactly great for hanging out with.  I could not hold him to nurse him bc it hurt his legs, so I let Joy give him a bottle while I talked to the Dr.  He was just miserable.  I left him in the care of Aunt Joy
Nick hangin' w/ Aunt Joy
while I went to Whole Foods to get the special meal for Art's father's day celebration/Joy's visit.  3 filets, marinated mushrooms, and of course tater tots. :)  We fed the big boys and set them up with a video while the 3 adults ate dinner.  By then Yannick had rallied and was feeling much much better.  Tylenol worked great. Big boys in bed, and time for some Aunt Joy/Yannick quality time
Yannick sleeping on Aunt Joy

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