Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, June 03, 2011

Children's Museum with Nana

Not many pics for this post, but wanted it noted anyway. Today the boys and I went with Nana to the Children's Museum. It's not super close (about 25min away), but we had a coupon from a bday party we went to there for kids to get in free. It was packed, but super fun. I do see that it would be difficult for me to do this with the 3 boys by myself while Yannick is still so little and nurses for so long. But with Nana here, it was easy peasy.

Both big boys love the water room, and spent a good portion of time in there getting good and wet. However, they were able to hit all the areas for at least a little bit.

Zach loved the painting program on the computer...we might have to look into that for home

Zach changing a tire in the car care center, which we had not visited before. Very fun area - cleaning the car, doing maintenance, etc.

Mostly I forgot to take pictures, as it was pretty crowded and busy and I was trying to keep Nick asleep. One are that I love is the grocery store, where they get a cart, do their shopping for "real" products (that are empty of course), and then go to the check-out and bag the groceries. It is all so so cute. Zach and wyatt love the Potbelly's restaurant area, where they get to take orders on the phone, build sandwiches, take/give money, "fill" drinks, etc. It is a great place. Zachary will age out of it in a few years, so we want to maximize our time there when 3 kids can enjoy it. They have a few little spaces for babies/crawlers too, which will be good this winter.

While there, I thought and thought and thought about getting a membership for our family. They would deduct the price of our admission today from the cost of the membership, so if we were going to get one, now is the time. I finally decided that come winter, we would probably love having the membership, so I got one. What is nice is that I can bring one other adult along w/ me (does not have to be Art) for free. It is a little bit of a drive, but if we take our lunch, then we can stay awhile and come back home around nap time. A good sized outing. Plus, their Cosi salad is DELISH!!



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