Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Thursday, June 02, 2011

Date Night with Nana

Tonight is our regularly scheduled date-night-swap we do with the M. family.  We had planned on leaving all 3 boys with them and just take Nana out, but she decided that she'd like him along as her "date", he had a bit of a cold perhaps.  I didn't want to chance a sick baby around the M.'s baby girl.

We surprised Mom and took her to get coffee and dessert at the Drake, a famous hotel in downtown CHI.  I thought they would have live music on Th and F, but turns out just Fr and Sat.  So that took away some of the thrill for us, but Nana still loved it.

Art hanging with his little guy

Nana with her date, Yannick

The waiter nicely taking a picture of all of us

Nana giving Nick a bottle so I could enjoy my evening w/out 45min of nursing!

Our desserts - DELISH!  Mom got a little teapot of coffee, me, a teapot of hot chocolate, and Art some snooty beer

Then back home for Nana, Shayna, Nick while Art went to pick up Zach and Wy.

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