Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Monday, June 06, 2011

Bike Upgrades!

Now is finally the time (past time probably!) for the big boys to upgrade their bikes.  Wyatt inherits the Strider learner balance bike and Zachary moves up to a pedal bike, the hope being that he does not need training wheels bc of having mastered the balance bike.

They both did GREAT!  Zachary was nervous bc his "new to him" bike is very heavy.  It is a very old bike that we got at a garage sale for $4.  It's red (Z's fav color), and a Radio Flyer.  Plenty cute, the right size for him, but sturdy/heavy.  Wyatt took to his bike like gangbusters.  His handlebar got messed up, so he had to ride the first few days with it all the way up, until Poppi got here and was able to fix it.

Wyatt proud on his new bike!

Wyatt learning to ride his bike

Zachary needed a push from Art the first few times before he got the hang of getting started.  The pedals were more difficult for him that I expected them to be, but he did get it pretty quickly.  AND NO TRAINING WHEELS!

Art and I have often said that many things we do as parents turned out to not be such a great idea, but that every now and then we come across a good idea that works out just as we had imagined it.  The balance bike was one of those winner ideas!



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