Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Aunt Joy Visits: Saturday - Custer Fair!

Today was a BIG day!  I am going to have to break it down into several different posts to fit it all in.

First part of the day - Custer Street Fair.
This is an annual fair that we love.  Part of why we love it is because it starts 2 blocks from our apartment!  No driving!
Counts Fam walking to the street fair

 Counts fam enjoying some free fruit drinks.  A bit thick, like a smoothie.

We walked around a bunch, Art mainly hoping to see the Indonesian food tent we saw 3 years ago, but alas, it was not there.  I was looking for a booth run by my "summer friend" Kylan.  She and her sister were selling baby clothes and accessories.  we found her, and I bought a super cute onsie that has a fabric tie sewn to it.  So cute!

The boys benefited from Art's new job in that they got to get to buy something from the fair, which they almost NEVER get to do.  They were dragging and complaining until they got their new sword and shield!

Then off to "big rock park" (Eiden park) for lunch (thanks for the corn dog Aunt Joy) and a rest.
 Wyatt with his shield at the park

 Wyatt getting his sword ready

Ready to fight the bad guys!

Us taking a break at the park to eat and rest

While at the park, there were people making balloon animals and things.  Both our boys got balloon swords of course.  Wyatt told the clown he wanted a Yoda light saber.  A sword was pretty close.
 Wyatt with his sword

Zach and Wy having a balloon sword fight

After the park, it was getting pretty late, and everyone was getting tired.  We had to put Yannick in the carrier (Aunt Joy carried him), Zachary in the stroller, and Art carried Wyatt.  Z and W switched places halfway home.  Then the big boys went down for a nap.  While they were napping, Joy and I walked to main street to see about getting a manicure/pedicure, but the spa there was pretty pricey.



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