Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, April 09, 2011

Monkey Joe's!

The lovely M. family offered to take our boys to an inflatable jump house w/ their daughter, to give me a nice Sat morning rest.  Art had never gone to one of these "jumping places", so he decided to tag along, since our car was needed anyway to transport the kids.  So that left just me at home!  Glorious!  Here's some pics of what they did.  I dressed both boys in orange so it would be easier for Art to keep track of them.:

Afterwards they enjoyed a kids-eat-free Pizza Hut buffet, then headed home for a nap.

And what did I do with all that free time???  I almost never left the bed.  I worked on each boy's baby photo albums, I took a nap, I watched 2 episodes of Make-it-or break it, and I finally showered around 2pm.  Glorious!  Sign me up for another one!

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