Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Children's Museum

Zach and Wyatt were invited to a birthday party, of one of Zach's preschool classmates, at the Kohl's Children's Museum.  We've never been, and thought this would be a great opportunity to go w/out spending the $30 it would cost us.  We LOVED it!  It was such a cool place!  I'm excited to go again with them.  They had a blast.  The party started at 2:45 (we put them both down for naps early early, and let them sleep from 12:15-2:20, not long enough for Wyatt, but enough to get him through the evening) and we stayed until the place closed at 5pm.  Such fun fun interactive place, and we did not see 1/2 of it I don't think.  The first major stop was the water room, which had tons of stuff to do with water, water pressure, etc.  I did not take any pics there, and didn't even think about the camera until after we'd been a few places. Some of what I did capture:

Art and Wyatt in the percussion room

Zach playing with this very cool music board - you move the notes where you want them, then once your song is complete, it will play the song you "wrote".

A kid-size mock-up of a popular restaurant here - Potbelly's. 

This place was VERY popular with the kids at the party...and with the parents who got to sit at the tables and just get served by the eager waitstaff.  Sandwiches, drinks, chips, etc were brought to us all while we sat around and chatted with other adults.  Does not get much better than this.  They brought us menus, bills, change, whatever we asked for.  This lasted at least 30 minutes!  Plus it was so neat so see what kids have gleaned about the restaurant business, just from having eaten out, or whatever limited input they have had about this.  They knew how to take orders from the payphone in the back, ring up orders, build sandwiches, etc.  The whole process was pretty amazing!  We even had some ambitious kids doing the mopping and sweeping....I need to get them at our house.

Waiter Wyatt bringing water

We all loved it, and are looking forward to going again sometime.  The museum gave discount coupons to the party attenders, so we'll be sure to use those!

Happy Birthday Charlotte & Owen!



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