Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, March 05, 2011

Zachary - Basketball Gold Medal

Today was Zachary's last basketball game of the season.  I have a feeling it will be the last one for a few years.  He did not love basketball (unlike Wyatt who adores it).  In fact, the last two games, we said he could choose to go to or not.  Before that we were sort of forcing him to go, and his playing was half-hearted.  Once he got to choose, he did seem a bit more into it, but just did not love it.  Today's game however was one NOT TO MISS!  In fact, we even gave a ride to Zach's preschool classmate, David, whose parents were out of town, to make sure that David did not miss this game.  Why not miss??  Because the last game is when they give out the GOLD MEDAL for participation.  I prepared Zach that we did not know what they would get, if it would be a medal (which they gave out at the end of soccer season), or a trophy, or nothing.  Once he got there, his coaches said they would be getting a medal, and Zachary quickly ran over to the spectator seats to let me know.  There were very few kids there today, only 5 on the red team, so Zach played the entire game.  He seemed to enjoy himself and was always proud when he made a good pass or a goal.  But nothing compared to the excitement of getting his medal!  It was so fast I didn't even get a picture of the "ceremony".  Double bonus for Zach, they also got a juice box and bag of pretzels!  What an exciting day! :)  BTW, check out Wyatt dribbling in the background of Zach's picture.



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