Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, March 18, 2011


Lovely lovely vacation.  After Karl & Laura decided to postpone their wedding until the fall, that left the week of Poppi's spring break wide open.  Dad agreed to pay for the three of us (minus Art who just started the new job, and could not take vacation) to fly to ATL for the week.  The boys were so very excited to get to fly on an airplane again, and I was so excited to get a vacation: sleeping late, someone else taking care of my kids, other people in charge of food, etc.  We flew into ATL Thursday afternoon and left Friday evening, a week later.

The boys were also very excited that we were taking a cab to the airport. Given that I am 31 weeks pregnant, uncomfortable, etc, I decided taking the El, by myself with these two rowdy boys and a suitcase, to the airport was just too much.  So we sprung for the $50 for the cab (it's only $30 for a cab to O'hare btw). Unfortunately, I waited until the last minute to find out about car seats, and ended up having to take ours with us and check them.  It turned out not to be so bad, the boys were able to carry them to the ticket desk.  They talked the entire time in the cab, and thought it was just great.  They both were well behaved on the flight to ATL, which was amazing since we were delayed twice - first for about an hour on the ground in CHI while they worked on a problem with the fuel pump, then again in ATL because the jet way did not work, and we had to get towed to another gate (Zach was terrified that we would take off again and fly back to CHI).  We made it, and Poppi was there at the gate waiting for us (he had flown in from NJ that morning).  Aunt Juicenana was waiting for us at baggage claim and after collecting the car seats from the special baggage location, we were finally on the road.  Dad would surely want it mentioned that in the 2 minutes it took to realize the parking machine would not take his cash and he putting his credit card in, the price of parking went from $4 to $7.  Just that quick.

We got to Poppi's and Aunt Staci was there waiting for us.  The rest of the visit is a bit of a blur, thanks to all my sleeping late, and being generally lazy!  However, here are some pictures and tidbits of things we did.

Thursday night we had a birthday dinner for me, Poppi, Nana, and Staci.  Staci and Aunt Juicenana made some very cute cupcakes with decorations on the edges and gummy lifesavers around the candles in the middle.

Friday night Staci and I took Nana out to celebrate her birthday.  First, I must mention that I got completely confused.  I thought this was her 66th birthday.  We generally make a very big deal about 65th birthdays, and last year, we flew Mom out to CHI to celebrate her birthday - thinking it was her 65th.  It wasn't.  THIS year was her 65th!  So she had her big celebration a year early.  Bad Shayna.  This year, we all went to get manicures (so cheap!!) and go out to dinner.  The place we planned on going for dinner was closed; it is only a breakfast and lunch place.  By this time, it was pretty late, and the pregnant lady was getting grumpy.  So we went to nearby Mellow Mushroom, which is always good.
Mom getting her nails done

Mom sitting under the nail dryer

Shayna with the hot pads on

Staci getting her nails done

Dinner ended up being quite yummy, of course, and we all had a fun fun time.  Thank you to Poppi and MeMa for babysitting my two terrors!

That was Friday night.  Back up to Friday morning.  Staci and I went with Poppi, Zachary, and Wyatt to the mall for a fun outing.  I was on the hunt for new pjs as part of my birthday present, plus buying some make-up for MeMa.  Dad and the boys rode the carousel a few times, then went downstairs to ride the train, which drives all over the mall w/out a track.  Very popular with our boys.  Then lunch - pizza for the boys, Chick-fil-a for me, then ice cream afterwards.

Poppi and Zach on the carousel

Wyatt, Poppi and Zachary

riding the carousel

Back to the house for naps, etc.  Staci had to leave to go back to Chattanooga after lunch on Saturday.

On Sunday, I went to church with Mom, while the boys stayed at Leisure Dr. 
On Monday evening, Zach and Wyatt made a gingerbread house with Aunt Joy.

Zachary, Aunt Joy, Wyatt working on the house

Zachary and Wyatt working with Aunt Joy

On Tuesday, after Dad's emergency dental appointment, Zach, Wyatt and I went to Burger King to meet Nana for a late lunch.  I fed the boys at home, so they could just get dessert and play on the play land while there.  This turns out to be a good place to meet Mom, because we are not allowed inside her building.

Zachary peeking out of the playland tube

On Thursday, I had to go back to the mall to exchange my make-up for a better shade.  Dad took the boys to look around while I took care of my stuff.  I found them at the food court getting a snack, looking very cute all together.

Zachary and Wyatt having a snack with Poppi at the mall

On Friday, we had a flight back home.  Poppi rode Marta with us to help me get everything to the airport.  It's not so easy traveling 32 weeks pregnant!  We got through security and to our gate with no problems.  I had to carry 2 back packs, which got a bit old, but it was ok.  Unfortunately, there was something wrong with the plane at our gate, so our flight got moved to another gate, so the boys and I had to trek back downstairs and get on the train to another concourse.  I'm hurrying the best I can w/ 2 boys, 2 backpacks, and a very pregnant belly, all the while looking for one of those electric carts to hitch a ride on.  We got to the new gate, only to be told that our flight has changed gates AGAIN!  Now it's getting closer and closer to time to leave, and I'm getting a bit nervous, so we hustle back downstairs, on the train to another concourse.  We made it no problem, had time to sit down and eat some of the dinner I packed for us, then get on the plane.  Surprise, the plane has video monitors built into the backs of the seats, so the boys were entertained for nearly 1/2 the flight watching sports and other things (without headphones).  I even tried napping a bit until Wyatt cries out "HEY, you can't nap, who'll watch us!?"  Sigh.  I was very happy to see Art at baggage claim and get back home.

It was indeed a wonderfully relaxing (except for the cold I caught) vacation, and I'm very grateful to Dad for funding it!

Other things we did on different days
~ Go to the playground
~ Watch The Incredibles (Wed night)
~ Go to Walmart and buy toys (includ an electronic light saber)
~ Watch videos: Little Einsteins, Backyardigans, Light Saber Battles, etc
~ Play outside
~ I went to dinner at Rocky Mountain (yummy baked strizatta!!) w/ Joy & Joanna
~ Ate a Guatemalan meal, YUM
~ Shopping at Target with Mom (she bought a going-home outfit for the baby)
~ Played Bananagrams
~ Played Ticket to Ride
~ Did NOT play Settlers of Catan
~ Ate Papa John's pizza!



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