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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Shayna in 5 Words

Art's brainchild, and source of great humor.
Shayna: Barefoot, Pregnant, in the kitchen.
This phrase makes the maniacal Artemis Prime giggle profusely.

Shayna barefoot, pregnant, in the kitchen - SIGH!

It must be noted that this was a *bit* staged.  At least the barefoot part.  I was wearing slippers w/ no socks and Art asked rather nicely, with just a few giggles, if I would please take off my slipper so he could send "an awesome picture to Joel".  He did indeed email it to Joel, who's response was "is she cleaning up after having fixed you a pot pie??".  Boys.  Can't believe I'm going to have a house full of them.  Sigh.



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