Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Happy 29th Birthday Shayna (for the 8th time)!

Happy 36th birthday to me!!

The day started out with Art bringing me breakfast in bed...BUT, not his usual toast this time.  Today he went all out and made pancakes!  However, I nixed the "in bed" part due to ginormous belly discomfort and the unmatchability of syrup and my bed. 

I had switched preschool carpool day so that I would not have to rush to get ready and get Zach out the door, nor deal with the stress of picking up two wild boys in the locker room after swimming!  I finally showered later in the morning and made it to Stephanie's house for playgroup.  It was a short one so I did a few errands (paying for a library book that got ruined, depositing checks at the bank, etc) b/f returning home.  I had pizza for lunch (yum!), which Zach nagged me about "your lunch is better than ours", to which I replied - tough, it's my birthday! :)

Boys took a nap, I took a nap.  Lovely.

Then off to Zoba's for my birthday dinner.  We met Art there, who showed up bearing gifts: a card that everyone decorated while we waited for our food, yummy chocolates, and a set of stacking espresso cups that I'd seen at World Market that were so very cute.  I'd brought a bottle of Jewel's finest sparkling red grape juice that we drank with dinner. 

After dinner, we dropped the boys off at the M. family's who had nicely agreed to watch the boys on Tues night instead of the regular Thurs night, despite the fact that Ben had to do it all alone as Steph had a meeting.  Art and I went off to the Wilmette Theater to see Kings Speech.  Tuesdays are discount movie days ($4/ea) at that theater and I was worried that it would be packed.  We were about 5 minutes late.  Ummm, no worries.  Including us, I think there were 5 people there.  Enjoyable movie, enjoyable evening, enjoyable day, quite a nice birthday!  Thanks to all those who helped make it possible!



Blogger Kristine said...

I finally had Zoba's last night (on a date I might add!) and it was D-licious!!

6:15 PM  

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