Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Monday, February 21, 2011

Celebrate Good Times, Come ON!

Tonight was Chicago Counts Celebration Night.  We had 2, nearly 3, things to celebrate.  1st - Zachary being an independent swimmer!  2nd - Art started his new job at QuesTek today!!  The only reason this wasn't #1 is because, thanks to generous friends who have offered to babysit, we have gotten to go out twice in the last week to celebrate Art's new job - once to Merle's (I HAD to have the fried green beans), and once to a Vietnamese restaurant in Roger's Park (BEST spring rolls ever!!).  The nearly 3rd thing was Wyatt's attempts at potty training, but they never worked out, so that's ok.

The decided location for this celebration night - Chuck E. Cheese (poor Art!).  Thanks to the $30 we got from Opa and Oma to spend on a Valentine celebration, our evening cost us nothing...we profited a cool $0.03. :)

For Art's first day of work, we thought it would be best for me to drop him off instead of him riding his bike, until he got the lay of the land.  Of course it was a heavy snow day.  The plan was to pick him up on our way to Chuck E. Cheese, which we did, but since the boys and I were running late, Art had to wait outside, in the snow, with no hat for us to come get him.  Why was he outside??  Because he did not want to be the last person out of the office and have to set the alarm, at 5:30!  What glorious good news - that at 5:30pm Art was almost the last one out!  Makes me feel much better about his new "industry job".

Shayna & Wyatt post dinner

Off we went to Chuck E. Cheese.  We ordered pizza (which seems to have improved in quality over the past few months) and tokens.  I parceled them out to the boys, 1/2 for before dinner and 1/2 for after.  Zach had one goal in mind only: TICKETS.  He only wanted to play games that gave tickets so he could get some awful cheap toy at the end of the night.  Wyatt had more variety in his choices, but as usual, played a LOT of basketball.  People came to watch him because he was surprisingly good.  He made several baskets.  Wyatt was not quite so skilled at skeeball, and ended up just walking up the ramp to dump his ball into a hole, and even then, it was a low-value hole!   Food came, the boys ate a good amount, then we were off again until we ran out of tokens.
Happy Zachary & Art after dinner

I think we had about 50 tokens, and used them all.  The boys then put all their tickets into the ticket muncher machine and ended up with about 60 ticket points each to spend.  This got Zach a small frog and some stickers, and Wyatt some candy and stickers.  What an awful waste, but they love it, so we're happy to do it every now and then.

Congrats Art on your new job!
Congrats Zachary on being an independent swimmer!
Almost congrats Wyatt for your attempts at potty training!



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