Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Chicago Car Show

Thanks to Groupon discounts, we bought 2 tickets to the Chicago Auto Show, not for retail of $11, or the Groupon discount rate of $6/ea, but thanks to referrals, for $0/ea!  Can't pass up a deal like that for sure.  After much deliberation, we decided to go after the boys naps (well, mine too!), because we'd have a longer time to spend there, knowing it would be easier to push them a bit past bedtime than a bit past nap time.  We got down there around 4:30 or so, paid $19 to park, and headed to the show.  So much walking!  We spent about 4 hours there total.  We brought dinner for us to eat while there and made an evening of it.  My intent for the show was to sit in and check out every vehicle I could that has a pop-up 3rd row.  Art's intention was to see as many concept cars as possible.  Zach's intention was to sit in all car types, both in the front seats, and in the trunk space.  Wyatt's intention was to just be wherever we are...and eat some french fries.  Only Art was a bit thwarted...not many concept cars.  We had a great time.  The boys did so so well.  We brought a stroller with us, but it ended up just housing our coats/etc until the very end when Wyatt was finally tired (it was after bedtime!).  Here's some of what we did:

1st stop - Luxury cars - Zach in a Porsche

Some serious luxury

The boys liked to walk around the platform with the car

Off to the Mini Coopers

Wyatt in his favorite color - orange - Mini Cooper; He thought they were toys because they were so small!

Zachary checking out the trunk space

Checking out the Ford Mustang

And the Mustang pool table

One of the boys favorite attractions - a Ford robot that moved and talked

DINNER TIME - we brought sandwiches and side dishes and complimented it all w/ some french fries from McDs.  Success!

Race car - pic taken to honor Aunt Joy; small letters say "is efficient", is dependable", is thrill seeker", etc.  Fun for us!

Zach and Wyatt with Lightning McQueen and Mater!

More trunk space to check out

Wyatt driving the car simulator - we waited in line forever for the boys to be able to play this video game.  Art and I took turns going off to look at cars until it was their turn.

Zachary driving off the road

Art and Zachary hanging out with the Wrangler
Finally, it's late and Wyatt's tired.  He is not thrilled with sharing the stroller with all our stuff.

We headed back home and put the boys to bed.  A great family outing!



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