Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Sunday, April 18, 2010

On the Birthday Party Circuit

Zachary opted for a late nap today so he could attend the birthday party for a friend, Nicholas, from preschool. He had a grand time. The parents rented the gym and Chandler Newberger, a community center, and a classroom to have lunch and cake. The gym was set up with climbing stuff and general fun things for a preschooler. A fun time had by all.

The set up in the gym

Zachary doing some climbing

Live action
Zach and David C. pulling and chasing an older boy - always with the arm pulling!

Cupcake time after lunch of pizza, grapes, and strawberries

Zachary "helping" Nicholas open his present

Funny thing about this picture.  Nicholas's parents were not going to let him open his presents at the party, but rather take them home.  Unfortunately, Zach bugged and bugged and bugged Nicholas about opening the present, that his mom finally relented and let him open just that one so that Zach could watch him open it.  Of course it ended in disaster when the cars (of course!) had to be opened then played with immediately.  To Zach's point, he picked out the present, he wanted to watch Nicholas open it!



Blogger Wenni Donna said...

It’s a nice party that had been arranged for your son’s friend’s birthday. Both Zach and Nicholas seem to be having a wonderful time celebrating, and all the decorations and food arrangements look amazing as well. My son also had a lovely time attending one of his schoolmate’s birthday parties last week at a wonderful event venue.

4:56 AM  

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