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Friday, April 23, 2010

Museum of Science and Industry

Our friends, from Albuquerque, Jess &  Dave, were in town for a wedding on Saturday.  They reserved to spend the whole day Friday and Friday night with us before going to another friend's house for Saturday & the wedding.  First, special thanks to our friend Stephanie M. for keeping our boys all day so we could hang out with J&D who were kidless for the weekend!!  We had planned on doing a downtown walking tour, taking a cruise on the tall Ship Windy, and exploring Navy Pier....however, Jess had a very upset stomach and could not really handle all that.  So we headed over to the Museum of Science and Industry.  Fine with us, because we had not been yet.  SCORE, we end up there during a free day, so all we had to pay for was parking!  Then Jess & Dave splurged and paid extra for us to all see the U-boat tour.  Here's what we did, in a nutshell...

Shayna and Jess in front of the old train

Birdseye view of the train

Off to see the U-Boat

Jess & Dave in front of the massive (on the outside) U-boat.

Then we took a tour of the U-boat's insides which was very very interesting.  We listened to some recording in German of what happened on the ship, which was fun because I could understand a lot of it.  It was amazing the number of people they housed for months at a time on that sub.  And so gross that they operated on a "hot bunk" system whereas they worked/slept in shifts, and 3 or so guys shared one bed, each getting a shift.  Oh yes, and 100deg heat.  Gross.

Then off to the farm exhibit, as a preview for what we'll see in July when we visit Jess' sister's farm.

What happens when Art gets the camera unsupervised - though a very interesting exhibit

In case we wondered where the poop came from

Art keeping it real
Art and Dave by the combine

Off to see random exhibits before calling it quits for the day

WWII fighter jet

Scale model of Chicago

Then back home to relax, pick up the kids, eat Carmen's pizza, play Cribbage and go to bed.  Fun day w/ our good friends!



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