Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Jam Night with Poppi

One night after dinner, we got Poppi up for some "computer talking" (video chatting over the internet) as Zach calls it.  It started a little slow with the boys losing interest in talking with Poppi until he broke out his harmonica.  This started quite the little jam session!  Wyatt loved it the most, and often requests "Poppi Monka" so he will play his harmonica.  This little jam session lasted a good 20-30 minutes before we had to put them to bed.  Wyatt and Zachary took turns playing the harmonica (though Z did NOT like how much drool was on it after Wy's turn!), got out the music shakers, and Zach even pulled out a Xylophone to add to the cacophony.

The boys sitting in Art's lap playing w/ Poppi

Hard to see, but it is a picture of the video screen of Poppi playing his harmonica

Wyatt going to town!

Quite the concert

We are willing to rent our band out to any interested parties!

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