Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Trip Series: HO HO HO Merry Christmas in Dunwoody

We arrived at 4884 Leisure Dr to start our Christmas celebration around 1pm or so.  Wyatt had fallen asleep in the car, and Zach was not too far behind him.  We let Zach play w/ Poppi and everyone for about 10 minutes before going down for a nap.  Somehow we had gotten our wires crossed b/c we arrived about 5 hours earlier than anyone was expecting, so neither Joy nor Joanna had showered, nor were everyone's chores done!  That's how we like to catch people! :)  Art and I still had lots and lots of wrapping to do before Christmas w/ the Sklars/Fraziers started.  Plus, our car was packed to the brim.  I don't know how that happened, b/c it felt pretty empty when we left, just 8 days ago!

After the boys woke up from their naps, we started the present presentation.  Even with everyone drawing a name for presents, there were somehow a lot of presents!  Here are some moments captured thanks to Joy & her camera!

Some of the funny moments with the kiddos:  1. Wyatt got a sword for Christmas, and everyone was shocked, thinking "what a terrible idea", even though I had asked for dress-up accessories (so MY FAULT).  Wyatt immediately knew what to do, and hoisted it over his head and moved toward Zachary.  Zachary, who has been hit by Wyatt on numerous occassions, screams, and runs BEHIND THE CHRISTMAS TREE!  So so funny.  We had to make the sword disappear.  2. I put craft supplies on Zach's wish list, and he got a LOT of them.  He opened at least 10 presents with craft supplies.  While he enjoys DOING crafts, he apparently does not enjoy getting them as presents.  Finally, fed up, he asks everyone "Do I get ANY toys??"  Devastating for a 3.5 yr old I guess.  He had gotten a few videos, a shirt, etc, but no toys.  Luckily, MeMa got LOTS of toys (vintage Little People stuff), and she let Zach play with them. :)

A very yummy dinner! 
Honestly, the next few days are a blur of yummy food and games of Settlers.  A great blur though!

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